Google for Education - Google Certified Educator Level 1

Ace Your Google Certified Educator Level 1 with Practice Exams.

Google for Education Certified
Google Certified Educator Level 1– Practice Exam (Question 74)


Your learning objective is to get students to understand the concept of projection when speaking. Where can you find video resources from professional speakers who record and share their own public performances?

  • A) Google Drawings
  • B) YouTube
  • C) Google Maps
  • D) Google Drive



Mrs. Jones is a seventh-grade teacher who is focused on making sure her students are doing everything they can to be safe and secure online. They go to the computer lab each week and do a lot of web browsing on sites that she’s gathered links for on a shared Google Doc. Students add their own notes and comments below each link as they do their research. They can also add new resources as they find them on the Internet. Which of the following contemporary skills is Mrs. Jones developing in her students? (Select all that apply)

  • A) Community
  • B) Collaboration
  • C) Creativity
  • D) Communication

Answers:B, D


Which of the following tools are part of G Suite for Education, and thus covered by the G Suite for Education Terms of Service? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Google Sites
  • B) Google Drive
  • C) YouTube
  • D) Google Chrome

Answers:A, B


When trying to select the right tool to integrate into your class, you should always start with:

  • A) The learning goal
  • B) An idea from a trusted colleague
  • C) A help site
  • D) The functionality of the tool



Parents are looking for guidance on what to tell their children about being safe online. If you could give three simple tips that underlie everything, what would they be? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Don’t click on items from unknown senders.
  • B) Do everything you can to protect yourself.
  • C) Avoid the first site in the search results.
  • D) Respect yourself and others.

Answers:A, B, D


What are some benefits of using online resources in curriculum? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Updated content.
  • B) Online content is reliable and accurate.
  • C) Content can be engaged with to extend learning.
  • D) Can be linked to related content.

Answers:A, C, D


Rather than just reading about a location in a textbook, a great tool to help visualize a location and consider its impact on history would be:

  • A) Google Docs
  • B) YouTube
  • C) Google Search
  • D) Google Maps



What are ways students can ensure that their information is not saved in their Chrome browser when they are done in the computer lab each day? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Use an incognito window.
  • B) Utilize chrome profiles.
  • C) Clear the browsing history.
  • D) Shut down the computer.

Answers:A, C


Which of the following online resources could you use when you want to search for how to do something with a Google tool? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Google Search
  • B) Google Help Center
  • C) Google for Education Help Forums
  • D) Google Drive

Answers:B, C


If you want to contribute your expertise to a community of educators doing similar tasks as you, which of the following would you use? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Google Search
  • B) Google Help Center
  • C) Google for Education Help Forums
  • D) Google Educator Groups

Answers:C, D


Which of the following are reasons you might join a Google Educator Group? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) To connect with other educators using Google tools with students.
  • B) To plan social events for people to share how they use Google tools for learning.
  • C) To get new ideas from other educators in your area.
  • D) To share the amazing things happening in your classroom with other educators.

Answers:A, B , C, D


Which online group or location would be the best place to post a question so that other educators who already use Google for Education tools can help answer?

  • A) Google Search
  • B) Google for Education Help Forums
  • C) Google Help Center
  • D) Google+ Community



Of the following, which primarily refers to individuals? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Google for Education Certified Trainers.
  • B) Google for Education Certified Innovators.
  • C) Google for Education Partners.
  • D) Reference Schools.

Answers:A, B


Classroom teachers have a lot of files saved on their own computers and are unsure about Google Drive. Which features of Drive do you think are most important to help ease their nerves? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Microsoft Office files can be uploaded and edited in Drive.
  • B) Drive is not available offline.
  • C) Resource documents saved as PDFs can be saved in Drive.
  • D) Images and video files can be stored and shared in Drive.

Answers:A, C, D


Since Google, and Google Drive, are internet enabled apps, there is no way to access your Google Drive files when your computer does not have access to the internet.

  • A) True
  • B) False



You are preparing for an after-school session with teachers to train them on Google Docs. You’ve created a great ‘Getting Going Guide’ that you want them to have and keep for reference. What sharing setting should you set for the doc?

  • A) Anyone with the link can view.
  • B) Anyone with the link can edit.
  • C) Public on the web and anyone can edit.
  • D) Anyone with the link can comment.



Students are going to be working on a project together. How can they add collaborators to their Google Doc? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) The blue “Share” button.
  • B) The “Add Collaborators” option in the Insert menu.
  • C) Under the File menu > “Share”.
  • D) (From Drive) Select the file(s) > “Share”.

Answers:A, C, D


What are good uses of Google Forms in the classroom? (Select all that apply)

  • A) Quizzes/assessments.
  • B) Gather research data.
  • C) Draft an essay.
  • D) Surveys.

Answers:A, B ,D


Why would you want to have people fill out a Google Form rather than simply sharing a Google Doc with them to collect their responses? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) There’s the option to use a number of different question formats (like multiple choice, true/false, scales, etc.) with Google Forms.
  • B) You can use the “Responses” section in the Form to see a graphic breakdown of all responses.
  • C) Google Docs are harder to organize in Google Drive.
  • D) All Form responses are saved in a Google Sheet and the results are easier to see.

Answers:A, B, D


What are some of the benefits of leveraging Google Groups to communicate?

  • A) Groups is built for large group communication.
  • B) A unique email address unifies all members of the group.
  • C) Interact via web or email.
  • D) Member permissions can be adjusted.

Answers:A, B, C, D


If you have a student who is a second language learner – whose parents only speak their primary language at home – and needs special interventions because they are struggling in your class, you will want to use ___ in ___ to communicate the necessary intervention steps with their parents.

  • A) the Translation feature, Google Sites.
  • B) the Translation feature, Chat.
  • C) the Translation feature, Google Groups.
  • D) the Translation feature, Gmail.



You are expecting an important email from a guest speaker who is considering doing an instant messaging ‘Ask Me Anything’ Chat with your students tomorrow, but you have to leave your classroom to fulfill your extracurricular duties on the tennis courts. What is the most efficient action you can take in order to receive the email and confirm the guest speaker’s participation in the next day’s event, despite being away from your desk?

  • A) Download and/or activate the Gmail mobile app on your smartphone.
  • B) Bring your laptop onto the courts with you.
  • C) Have someone else cover your tennis practice.
  • D) Set an “away message” to notify your guest speaker you are away.



Your student, Mary H., is working on overcoming behavior issues in order to be more successful in your classroom. You consistently receive emails from your school’s intervention specialist, from the student’s parents, from the student’s other teachers, and from the school’s Psychologist about upcoming meetings and action steps needed to help Mary H. meet your learning goals. What label titles can you make and apply to the Gmail filter you created for incoming messages about this student so that you can remain organized and find important messages quickly? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Mary H.
  • B) Mary H. Parents
  • C) Fundraising
  • D) Psychologist

Answers:A, B ,D


Thursday at 5:35 PM, Marcia D. sent you an attached Agenda for tomorrow’s upcoming “Technology Integration Meeting,” and you want to view it before the meeting so that you have ideas and questions ready for the group. To effectively search and find Marcia’s original email, you can search by using which of the following identifiers? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Filter
  • B) Attachment
  • C) Sender
  • D) Time

Answers:B, C, D


You have not seen the bottom of your email in weeks because students are constantly reaching out to you for help on projects they are working on outside of the classroom. While you are excited the students are engaged, and you don’t mind answering students’ questions, you also have other work that requires your attention. In order to share the responsibility of supporting students in their success within your classroom, which of the following actions would you take to increase effective communication?

  • A) Create a student group in Chat so that students can help other students even when they are not in the classroom.
  • B) Collect students’ email addresses and share them with other students.
  • C) Put four students in a “study group” and have them share phone numbers.
  • D) Have each student create a Google Site that share their tips for success.



What are some features available in Google Sites (New) to help customize the site?

  • A) Embedded YouTube videos
  • B) Page Navigation
  • C) Image uploads
  • D) Widgets

Answers:A, B, C


What are features of a Google Calendar that can help improve organization as an educator? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) “Public” setting for improved communication.
  • B) Email notifications of events.
  • C) Shared Calendars.
  • D) Invite colleagues to events.

Answers:A, B, C, D


On your newly created calendar, add an event for a meeting that you will have tomorrow at 1:00pm. How can you invite someone else to the event?

  • A) Using the blue Share button in the event.
  • B) Enter their email address in the Add Guests field.
  • C) Use the Invite setting under the File menu.
  • D) Enter their email in the Event Title.



In the new version of Google Calendar, which ways are there to view a calendar? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Day view
  • B) Week view
  • C) Month view
  • D) Year view

Answers:A, B, C, D


Google Tasks integrate well with which other apps? Select all that apply.

  • A) Google Sites
  • B) Google Calendar
  • C) Gmail
  • D) Google Keep

Answers:B, C


Although you can add dates and reminders to both Google Tasks and Google Keep notes, why would you choose to use Google Keep? Select all that apply.

  • A) Google Keep integrates with Google Calendar.
  • B) Google Keep allows you to add photos.
  • C) Google Keep can set location-based reminders.
  • D) You can’t keep multiple lists in Google Tasks.

Answers:B, C


Chris uses the Find a time feature in Google Calendar to schedule a meeting with his two colleagues Dave and Lisa. His original plan was to meet at 11:00am for an hour, but as he looks at their shared calendars he can see that neither Dave nor Lisa are available at that time. What feature could he use to select a time that works for everyone?

  • A) Propose a time.
  • B) Find a time.
  • C) Create a calendar.
  • D) My calendar.



Chris moves the meeting to another time when everyone is available. He then remembers he also needs to book a meeting room, so he clicks the Rooms link to see what resources could be available at that time. What should Chris click next to see only available rooms?

  • A) Does not repeat
  • B) Notifications
  • C) Default visibility
  • D) Include unavailable rooms



Dave reviews the agenda for the meeting which is provided as a shared Google Doc linked in the Calendar invitation. As he scans through the list of agenda items he notices that one of his current projects has not been included. He feels it needs to be discussed at the meeting. What two steps should Dave take to get it included on the agenda? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) He should add it to the agenda himself.
  • B) Nothing. He can just bring it up at the meeting.
  • C) Send an email to the meeting organiser and informing them an item was added.
  • D) Hold it over to the next meeting instead.

Answers:A, C


How might you use Google Meet to improve your classroom experience for all involved in student learning? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Connect with other teachers to collaborate and lesson plan from different schools or districts.
  • B) Conduct parent/teacher conferences.
  • C) Coach a student when they are home sick.
  • D) Interview a professional in the field students are studying.

Answers:A, B, C, D


Lisa is in a Hangout with Chris. During the video call she decides she would like to include more colleagues. In which ways can Lisa ask others to join the Hangout? (Select all that apply)

  • A) Click the “add People”.
  • B) Record the Hangout.
  • C) Send an email with the meeting URL.
  • D) Schedule a new meeting.

Answers:A, C


One way to use Google Classroom to flip your classroom is by:

  • A) Creating copies of documents for each student.
  • B) Sending individual messages to students.
  • C) Creating rosters with Google Groups.
  • D) Sharing videos and readings as announcements in the Classroom stream for students to view prior to coming to class.



Although you can add dates and reminders to both Google Tasks and Google Keep notes, why would you choose to use Google Keep? Select all that apply.

  • A) Google Keep integrates with Google Calendar.
  • B) Google Keep allows you to add photos.
  • C) Google Keep can set location-based reminders.
  • D) You can’t keep multiple lists in Google Tasks.

Answers:B, C


A teacher wants her students to provide honest but constructive feedback to their peers regarding their performance in a theater production rehearsal. Which Form settings should she avoid if she wants to keep feedback anonymous? (Select all that apply)

  • A) Show progress bar at the bottom of form pages
  • B) Automatically collect respondent’s username
  • C) Shuffle question order
  • D) Require username to view this form

Answers:B, D


For each assignment in Google Classroom students must attach a file or link in order for the assignment to be marked as “Done.”

  • A) True
  • B) False



If you want to advise simple changes to student work (such as adding a comma) but do not want to directly edit the document, you could take advantage of this feature in Docs:

  • A) Suggested edits.
  • B) Revision history.
  • C) Add-ons.
  • D) Public sharing.



Teachers can assign Assignments to multiple classes in Classroom.

  • A) True
  • B) False



You want to add students to your Classroom class. If you cannot send them an email invitation because Gmail is disabled for your school’s domain, how can you enroll them?

  • A) Asking your administrator to add them
  • B) Typing their names in the Student tab
  • C) Sharing a unique class code
  • D) Sharing a Google Doc



What tool can Mrs. Michaud use to add data to her Google Sheet more easily?

  • A) Google Draw
  • B) Google Docs
  • C) Google Forms
  • D) Google Slides



Comparing the line graph and pie chart feature set, which of the following is accurate for both? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Both can be shared publicly.
  • B) Both can pull data from multiple sources.
  • C) Both are designed to display information over a period of time.
  • D) Both can be customized.

Answers:A, C, D


Which tool would help a student search more efficiently?

  • A) Search Filters
  • B) The Explore tool
  • C) Google Translate
  • D) Google Slides



Extensions are best defined as:

  • A) Tools for viewing and interacting with web pages.
  • B) Shortcuts to webapps.
  • C) A tool to help you catalog your bookmarks.
  • D) Available only on chromebooks.



An essential skill today is knowing how to cite sources properly. Creative Commons has a system of licenses and tools for creators to retain copyright while allowing others to:

  • A) Copy
  • B) Distribute
  • C) Remix work
  • D) All of these



By signing into Chrome, which of the following can be synced to the browser? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Bookmarks.
  • B) Recent browsing history.
  • C) Complete contents of Google Drive.
  • D) Apps and Extensions.

Answers:A, B, D


A digitally literate person must be able to find, evaluate, use, and communicate information digitally. Which of the following tools help facilitate and enhance digital literacy? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Google Search
  • B) Google Scholar
  • C) Chrome web store

Answers:A, B


When evaluating the validity of a website beyond its URL, you can practice the “Rule of 3” which means:

  • A) Look at 3 different pages from the same web site.
  • B) Compare 3 sources of information about the topic.
  • C) Find 3 people in the classroom who agree with your opinion.
  • D) Make sure that the URL for the website has 3 different extensions in it.



Why would you choose to use Word Art rather than a colored font when creating a Google Slides presentation?

  • A) Word Art has fewer graphical features.
  • B) Word Art lets you customize the look more.
  • C) There are more fonts in Word Art.
  • D) Because color is always distracting.



Why would you want to hyperlink objects into your own Google Slides presentation? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) So students can use the Slides for review and can go to additional resources outside of the presentation.
  • B) To make the presentation more graphically appealing.
  • C) To make sure the presentation is linear.
  • D) For extending the learning experience for students.

Answers:A, B, D


Which are measurable using Science Journal? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Sound
  • B) Light
  • C) Directional movement
  • D) Pressure

Answers:A, B, C


G Suite for Education offers which benefits to educators? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Domain admin can install apps.
  • B) Android apps available on select chromebooks.
  • C) App permissions reviewed by domain admin for student safety.
  • D) All apps are approved by your organization.

Answers:A, B, C


Which of the following Teacher Tips would NOT be helpful when trying to select content from the Chrome Web Store?

  • A) “Helped my struggling students really understand the concept of color harmony.”.
  • B) “Can be used across subject areas”.
  • C) “Doesn’t have much of a learning curve”.
  • D) “This app is not available in the Chrome Web Store”.



You’ve been asking students to watch short videos for homework instead of reading the textbook. Students seem to be prepared for class, but you’re wondering how many of your students are actually watching the videos. Which one of the sharing options below might help you to best gauge the compliance of your class by allowing you to include some comprehension questions?

  • A) Share the link via email.
  • B) Embed the video in a Google Form.
  • C) Embed the video in a Google Slide deck.
  • D) Embed the video in a Google Site.



You’re working on your sub plans for tomorrow and you’ve got the perfect video to kick off the class. Your second period students can be a bit juvenile, and you really don’t want to risk the fallout of the students reacting to a comment, or related video displayed alongside the lesson opener. How do you share the video to your substitute teacher?

  • A) Share the link via email.
  • B) Include the link in your Google Doc sub plans.
  • C) Embed the video in a Google Slide deck.
  • D) Download the video using 3rd party software.



Which YouTube filters help narrow searches?

  • A) Tags
  • B) Length
  • C) Playlists
  • D) Channel

Answers:B, C, D


Normally the internet is quite speedy at your school, but it has been slow for a week, and other teachers are starting to complain about the technology resources not being reliable. You know how engaged students are when you use video in your class, and you don’t want other teachers to give up on YouTube. You decide to send out a quick email to your colleagues with a couple tips on ____ .

  • A) subscribing to channels and creating playlists.
  • B) creating playlists and not giving up.
  • C) pre-loading videos and changing the resolution.
  • D) Restricted Mode and search filtering.



Which settings and controls within YouTube are built to help optimize viewing experiences?

  • A) Subtitles/CC
  • B) Restricted Mode
  • C) Quality settings
  • D) View Modes

Answers:A, B, C, D


A colleague of yours has been collecting video links in a Google Doc to share with her students. You explain to her that she could use the playlist feature in YouTube instead. Which of the following are advantages to using Playlists over a list of links in a Google Doc. (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Playlists can be shared more easily than a Google Doc.
  • B) You can quickly add a video to a playlist directly from within YouTube without having to also open a Google Doc.
  • C) Playlists continually play all of the videos in a row.
  • D) Students can save your playlist to their YouTube channel.

Answers:B, C, D


Mr. Garcia found a channel with content continually relevant to his curriculum. What YouTube features should he use to be notified when new content is uploaded to that channel?

  • A) Subscriptions
  • B) Calendar reminders
  • C) Notifications
  • D) Playlists

Answers:A, C


Which two stand-out collaborative features of Google Docs help facilitate group work?

  • A) Real-time editing and commenting.
  • B) Automatic saving and add-ons.
  • C) Publish to the web and commenting.
  • D) Real-time editing and version history.



Which of the following can help improve the success of a collaborative learning experience? (Select all which apply.)

  • A) Setting clear expectations.
  • B) Aligning to the learning goals.
  • C) Ensuring everyone the opportunity to participate.
  • D) Choosing the best digital tool for the job.

Answers:A, B, C, D


What feature allows you to view all of the changes made by editors on a Google Doc?

  • A) Document history
  • B) Track changes
  • C) Version history
  • D) Suggested edits



Collaboration digitally can be difficult, what steps can you take to help students be more successful during collaborative activities? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Organize and plan ahead.
  • B) Set expectations ahead of time.
  • C) Align the purpose of the task to the learning goal.
  • D) Ensure every student has a device.

Answers:A, B, C


What is an example of an asynchronous discussion?

  • A) A chat room where all students are online and participating at the same time.
  • B) A video Google Chat where students participate in a live video meeting.
  • C) A Google Group web forum where students participate at various times throughout the day.
  • D) An online chat room used for students to ask questions about their homework during a specific time.



Mrs. Raney, a high school teacher, has assigned her English II students a collaborative research project on American authors. Her students are very active in extracurricular activities and struggle with finding time to work together after school. Which tool would help her students collaborate outside of class? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) Google Chat
  • B) Google Docs comments
  • C) Google Groups web forum
  • D) YouTube

Answers:A, B, C


Why is resilience important to develop in your students?

  • A) Because they will eventually have a negative experience online.
  • B) Because students already know how to handle bad situations.
  • C) Because it fits in naturally with all curricula.
  • D) Because it is required by many school districts.



Compare how cyberbullying is the same as more traditional bullying in schools. Which of the following is a FALSE comparison?

  • A) Cyberbullying hurts students just as much.
  • B) Cyberbullying takes advantage of anonymity of the Internet.
  • C) Students are more used to cyberbullying.
  • D) Students can be given skills to cope with cyberbullies as well as traditional bullies.



Why is “p@s5uu3Rd” a better password than “53psuurd”? (Select all that apply.)

  • A) It has upper case letters.
  • B) It has symbols.
  • C) It is longer.
  • D) Numbers and letters are interspersed.



A student comes to you because she’s worried she just replied to an email and signed into a site that didn’t seem legitimate. How would you advise her?

  • A) Change her password
  • B) Report the incident to the police
  • C) Clear her browsing history
  • D) Delete the email



Student panel discussions are one way to raise awareness about cyberbullying and how to cope with it. What makes these types of events so powerful?

  • A) They are very loosely structured events.
  • B) Students get to tell the stories in their own voice.
  • C) The teachers guide the direction of the conversation.
  • D) Resilience is reduced after attending a student panel discussion.


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